Welcome to the 25 th Pharmaceutical Science and Technology Week!
Bem-vindes à 25ª Semana Farmacêutica de Ciência e Tecnologia (SFCT)!

It is a great pleasure to have you joining these days of scientific discussion and networking!

Throughout the event, you will have the chance to explore the latest advancements in pharmaceutical sciences, and connect with fellow students, scientists, and professionals.

The poster and oral presentations of the 25th SFCT will take place at INOVA.USP (Av. Prof. Lúcio Martins Rodrigues 370, Cidade Universitária).

To guide you through the processes of registration and abstract submission, here are the basic steps:

Abstract submission

  1. Abstract submissions are open between 10/07/2023 to 18/08/2023.
  2. Each author is allowed to submit a maximum of two abstracts. There is no limit for co-authorship.
  3. SIICUSP 2023 will take place in the same days of 25 th SFCT. If you are planning to submit an abstract to SIICUSP 2023, make sure that your abstracts are different. We will not tolerate plagiarism!
  4. Your supervisor must be informed and agree with your submissions.
  5. Abstracts of studies that required approval by ethics committees should indicate the process number in the text. The omission of this information will disqualify the submission.
  6. Abstracts that only contain work proposals or do not comply with the specifications bellow will not be accepted.
  7. The top 200 abstracts will be selected to present their work as posters on the 25th SFCT. The top 4 abstracts in each category (IC, M, D, PD) will be selected for oral presentation (15 minutes) during the meeting. Authors are required to indicate their willingness to present their work as poster, or poster + oral presentation during registration.
  8. The best abstracts from each category, both those presented as posters + oral presentations, will be awarded at the closing ceremony.
  9. The status of the abstracts (“Approved” or “Rejected”) will be disclosed after 11/09/2023. Please check the system.

Abstract Preparation guidelines

  1. Text: It should respect a limit of 2000 characters, including spaces, titles, authors, affiliation, and special characters. It should be divided into the following sections: Introduction and Objectives, Material and Methods, Results and Conclusions. Abstracts must be written in English.
  2. Title:Use capitalized, bold letters only.
  3. Authors: In capital letters, write the name/surname of each author. Names should be written in direct order (full first name and last name, without abbreviations). The name of the supervisor should be placed last. Put the following abbreviations in parentheses after each author's name: (IC) for Undergraduate Student, (M) for Master student, (D) for PhD candidate, and (PD) for Postdoctoral fellow. The name of the presenter should be indicated by an asterisk.
  4. Departments/Units: In capital letters. Use numbers in superscript to relate authors and Departments/Units when more than one institution is involved.
  5. Financial support and/or scholarship: When there is more than one type of support, separate them with a semicolon.
  6. See an Abstract template by visiting the "Model" option in the main menu.



  1. After the acceptance of your abstract, please register to 57th SUPFAB at https://sites.usp.br/supfab/inscricoes/ in order o be registered to the 25th SFCT.


Instructions for Poster presentation.

  1. The posters must be 80 x 120 cm (w x h) (largura x altura).
  2. Posters will be hanged by a thread. They must have a stick on top and at the bottom, and a thread on the upper stick. Os posters deverão ter um bastão nas partes superior e inferior e um cordão no bastão da parte superior para fixação no suporte.
  3. More information will be available on the website.

Instructions for Oral Presentations - only for selected works.

  1. Presentation must be prepared in a Microsoft PowerPoint compatible format.
  2. Maximum duration = 10 minutes.
  3. Time for Q&A = 5 minutes.
  4. A notification with more information will be send by email to the selected abstracts.

Take the opportunity and subscribe to the XII Simpósio Anual de Pesquisas em Ciências Farmacêuticas, which is a one-day symposium that take place at FCF USP on the Monday before 57 th SUPFAB (http://supfabusp.com.br/home).

Embrace curiosity, openness, and enthusiasm as you dive into the world of pharmacy. Make the most of this opportunity to learn, grow, and build lasting connections.

Enjoy the event!


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Prazo para Submissão

dos Resumos

10/07/2023- 18/08/2023